
  • Energy drilling 01

    Oil logging tools have strict requirements for high temperature, shock resistance, vibration, safety, etc. through logging, downhole data parameters are obtained, which provides strong support for subsequent development and exploitation of resources. In the 175 degrees Celsius downhole environment, the instrument will not only be subject to high pressure of formation and drilling fluid, but also bear impact and vibration, and also face the problem of long-term stable operation.

  • Shipping 02

    ZITN microelectronics provides products and combinations for the special needs of warships and ships. Its products can adapt to the most severe environment, such as extreme weather.

  • High reliability Electronics 03

    ZITN microelectronics provides special products to meet the demanding requirements of high reliability and high quality of military electronics. Its products can be used in radar, satellite navigation, photoelectric, avionics systems and other fields.

  • Automotive electronics 04

    ZITN microelectronics provides special product portfolio to meet automobile requirements. Automotive electronics is transiting from the operating system stage of electronic components with microprocessors to the stage of combining electronic instruments with intelligent systems. Multiple control units constitute the electronic system of modern automobiles, and each control unit implements autonomous control. Through mutual coordination, the overall operation of the automobile can reach the best state.